Field Trips

Lunch for the End of the Year Party
We will be ordering pizza from Papa John's for our lunch on Wednesday, May 21 for our End of the Year Party. The cost is $3 per child. We have ordered enough pizza for all of the adults to have some pizza too. Remember, we will still have other sweets to eat at the party too. Please scroll down for info on who is bringing other food to the party. PLEASE SEND $3 IN BY THURSDAY, MAY 15th. 

End of the Year Party
We will be going to the Troy Rec Center to swim for our End of the Year Party. We have reserved the pool and a "party room" and then will get to play on the brand new playground that they have. It will be Wednesday, May 21st from 10:00-12:30. We will play on the playground after we swim and eat. Each child needs to bring $3.00 to cover the expense of using this facility.  Please send money by Wednesday, May 7th.

End of the Year Party Food
These moms signed up to help with the refreshments for the End-Of-Year party: 

Cupcakes/brownies - Dina Adams
Chips and dip -
Cookies - Katie Scott
Soft drinks - 
Plates and napkins - Xiaoli Su

I STILL NEED A VOLUNTEER TO BRING CHIPS AND DIP AS WELL AS A VOLUNTEER TO BRING DRINKS. We usually let the kids have soft drinks for the End of the Year Party.
We will be ordering pizza for lunch to go with our party food. More on that later.....

Parents, you are only responsible for bringing refreshments for our class.  Mrs. Hollis has moms signed up to bring refreshments for her class.  However, we will put all the food together.  

I need 2-3 volunteers to drive us over to the Rec Center. Email me or send a note to let me know. Thanks.

All of you are invited to join us at the Rec Center for this party.  (: 


I have two moms that will transport children to the park on Thursday.  They are McKenzie Wilson and Dina Adams.  I also will take my car, so we are good to go. We will leave school about 12:15.  

Any of you that would like to help hide eggs, please be at the park about 12:00.  I'm sure these parents would love some help.  We welcome all parents to join us for our hunt and party!  (:

Easter Egg Hunt/Party
We have booked Murphree Park for our Easter Egg Hunt/Party. It will be on Thursday, April 17th from 12:30-2:30. These are the people who signed up to bring something or hide eggs.
cupcakes/brownies: Katie Scott
cookies: McKenzie Wilson
drinks: Xiaoli Yi
chips and dip: Dina Adams
plates, napkins, and cup: Yulia Romanova

egg hider: Melanie Sneed
egg hider: Katie Scott



Lunch for Scientific Circus
We will be going to picnic at the Shakespeare Festival on Monday before our Circus Performance. Please do not pack anything that will need to be heated up. I'm asking every driver to bring a few blankets for us to sit on and a cooler for the children riding with you to put their drinks/lunches in. I will have paper bags for them to put their lunches in so we can throw away everything when we are done eating.
**DRIVERS, YOU MAY NOT STOP ON THE WAY TO OR FROM OUR FIELD TRIP TO GET ANY FOOD/DRINKS/ETC.** I will give drivers directions to the theater and the Shakespeare Festival.

Drivers for Scientific Circus
I have all my drivers signed up to drive to Montgomery to the Scientific Circus on March 10th. They are Tammy Arrington, Yulia Romanova, Brad May, and Melanie Sneed. Thanks for volunteering!

Super Scientific Circus
We will be going to see the Scientific Circus on March 10th. It will be at the Montgomery Performing Arts Center in Montgomery. We will be leaving at 9:30 and going to picnic (weather willing) and then the show will begin at 11:45. We should be back at school no later than 2:15. The cost for everyone is $7. Money is due Friday, February 28!!!! 
I will also need 4 volunteers to drive. 


Chick-fil-A/Stephen Fite
Our trip to the Stephen Fite Concert is February 3rd.  We have tickets for the second performance.  We will have lunch about 10:30 at Chick-Fil-A in Eastchase before going to the concert.  The cost for our food is $3.50 which pays for chicken fingers, fries, drink, and ice cream (same as before).  Please send this money in an envelope (correct change, please) by Monday, January 27th.

Stephen Fite
The 1st grade classes are going to Stephen Fite's Superheroes Of Knowledge Concert at Davis Theatre in Montgomery on Monday, Feb. 3rd. The performance will begin at 12:00. We are invited to dress the theme of the show, so your child can wear a Superhero t-shirt of their choice if they would like or you can be creative if you'd like to make a Superhero shirt. Please do not allow additional costume props for your child to keep up with on the trip. Pike field trip shirts are fine too. Chaperons/drivers for this trip are: Dina Adams, McKenzie Wilson, and Stas Romanov. We will depart at 9:30 a.m. from school. Everyone has paid for the concert. As soon as we have made lunch arrangements, I will inform you. 


We will be going to the Shakespeare Festival to see the play “Goodnight Moon” on the Friday we get back from Christmas (Friday, January 10, 2014).
 We have already collected all of the money for the play months ago but we now need to collect money for our lunch that day. We decided to eat at the Chick-fil-A at East Chase in Montgomery. The cost will be $3.50 per child. That is a child’s meal consisting of 4 nuggets, fries, a drink, and ice cream. (We substituted ice cream for the toy.) Your child will get the choice of regular milk or chocolate milk to drink.
 Please send the money ASAP! We need to turn the money in to the office on Monday, January 6th (the day we get back from Christmas Break). 

Drivers for Stephen Fite Field Trip
These are the drivers for the Stephen Fite field trip: Dina Adams, McKenzie Wilson, and Stas Romanov. I'm sorry we can only have 3 drivers for this trip but there were only enough seats left at Stephen Fite for us to have 3 drivers from each class. We are on the list to be called if another group cancels and then we can add drivers.

Stephen Fite
We will be going to a Stephen Fite concert on February 3rd. We have to collect the money early in order to send it in and reserve our seats. They are currently holding enough seats for the kids and 6 parents (3 from my room and 3 from Mrs. Hollis's room) We were lucky to get these seats because the first performance was full. We will be going to the second performance at 12:00. We will eat lunch first and then go to the concert. Cost is $5 for both parents and children. I will need 3 volunteers to drive us to the Davis Theatre in Montgomery.  The first three to email me will be the drivers. Please send your child's money and driver money by November 8. More info on lunch that day at a later date.


DRIVERS TO PUMPKIN PATCH: Tammy Law and Stanislav Romanov - I still need at least 1 more driver, 2 more drivers would be better. If you would like to drive, please send your $5 tomorrow. 

Pumpkin Patch
We will be going to Dream Field Farm's Pumpkin Patch
on October 10. Cost will be $12 for each child. That cost
will include a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. Parents 
are welcome to come but I will need to collect their money 
along with the children's money. Cost for parents will be $5 
(parents won't get a pumpkin). I will need 4 parents to
volunteer to drive and all other parents can carpool to the
pumpkin patch. All money (parent and children) is due 
Friday, September 27. 


Shakespeare Festival
On January 10, 2014, the first grades will be going to see 
Goodnight Moon at Shakespeare Theater.  Our departure
 time will be about 8:00....just as soon as everyone can check 
in.  The performance is scheduled for 9:30.  I will need 4 
parents to drive.  I will take the first 4 that I hear from. Cost for 
children is $16 and for adults it's $18.  I'm really sorry to throw 
more expense your way, but the groups who send in their 
money first get the better seating.  Money for this trip will be
 due by the end of next week, August 30th.  

Field Trip Drivers

I have all 4 drivers for our field trip to the Shakespeare 
Festival in January. Those drivers are Tammy Arrington, 
Katie Scott, Beth Bell, and Melanie Sneed. Thank you 
for volunteering. We will have many other field trips where 
other parents may drive or attend, but this field trip we 
were limited to just 4 parents.