Monday, March 31, 2014

Fairy Tale Plays
We will be performing our 1st Grade Fairy Tale Plays on Friday, May 2nd at 9:00 a.m. All parents and family are invited to attend the performance. We will have a practice "dress rehersal" on Thusday, May 1st. That performance is for the K4-4th grades to attend. Their attendance helps up prepare for our performance for the parents. After the performance on Friday, the children are allowed to go home with their parents/family since will will not have any work scheduled for that day. Dress for the plays will be regular "church attire". 


Easter Egg Hunt Party
It's that time again, Easter Egg Hunt time! The 1st grade would like to ask and see if there is anyone who would like to volunteer to host our Easter Egg Hunt. We usually have our hunt and then we will have our Easter party. I have a list of those parents who signed up to bring something to the Easter party. Those volunteers are: 

cupcakes/brownies: Katie Scott
cookies: MeKenzie Wilson
drinks: Xiaoli Yi
chips and dip: Dina Adams
plates, napkins, and cup: Yulia Romanova

I will need at least 2 volunteers to meet at our location and hide the eggs before we arrive. If you didn't sign up to hide eggs but would like to help, you can show up at 12:00 to help them hide the eggs.

egg hider: Melanie Sneed
egg hider: Katie Scott

Reading Story Tests
As I told the kids from the beginning of these tests, I will not be reading the questions to them anymore since it is after Spring Break. I usually read each question and answer to them as a class but I told them that after Spring Break, they were going to read the questions themselves. It is just like an AR test. We do still go over the test questions before the test.